Monday 16 January 2012

Getting Started

This blog isn't about SEO per se.  Thats one blog out of millions on the web.

Like many people butting their business online one of the crucial steps apart from submitting ones site that is taken is to be on business pages websites.  These are the modern day Yellow pages which can help to drive traffic to your site.

I've spent quite a number of hours registering, submitting and checking the details which I posted.

Over the coming weeks and months I'm going to showcase one of those business listings per day and give comment about them.  So whats why I've started the blog 'We Are Listed On'

People talk endlessly about pagerank, backlinks and seo but my focus will be more consistently driven by what  the user is going to see in terms of design, functionality and detail.  I may refer to dofollow or nofollow but realistically I'm expecting you to have some understanding of the relationships between search engines and websites.

I suppose I'll head off one criticism before I start which is that alot of the business pages maybe related to the website I'm submitting - a legal one.  Whilst some may not be of use to many, it will still give you an idea of what sites are doing good and what are they doing bad.

1 comment:

  1. Slide Open Boxes are purposefully made for the specific products they are required to package.
